Complok Feature Icon

Risk Assessment

Identify, assess and manage Risks with an integrated risk rating matrix in our automated workflow.

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Arrow pointing right.
Complok Feature Icon Dashboard Overview

Dashboard Overview

Stay up to date on your team's progress and get a clear overview of your risk and scenario statuses in a customizable dashboard.

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An arrow pointing right.
Complok Feature Icon Audit Trail

Audit Trail & History

Rest easy with a secure Audit Trail. Time Stamp & Lock Risk Assessments, Reports & Documents.

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Arrow pointing right.
Complok Feature Icon Doc Manager

Doc Manager

Upload your procedures and internal documents for easy access. Use our industry-standard doc templates.

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Automatic Risk Assessment

Get Rid of Spreadsheets and Save Up To 80% of Time

Complok Feature Icon Risk Assessment
Dynamic Risk Assessment

Identify, assess and manage Risks with an integrated risk rating matrix in our automated workflow.

Complok Feature Icon Reporting
Painless Reporting

Generate Professional Reports with ease. Add or remove key risk indicators, and information fields & prioritize risk categories.

Complok Feature Icon Quality Assurance
Quality Assurance

Perform Effectiveness Testing to see if your controls are effective.

Complok Feature Icon Predefined Methodology
Predefined Methodology

Choose from a library of categories, subcategories and key risk Indicators or add your own.

A picture of automatic Compliance Risk Assessment Workflow.
Dashboard Overview

A Single Powerful Source of Truth

Complok Feature Icon Overview
Overview of Risks and Scenarios

Get a clear overview of your risk and scenario statuses in a customizable dashboard.

Complok Feature Icon Progress & Updates
Progress & Updates

View your compliance teams’ progress and updates. Continue tasks where you left off.

Complok Feature Icon Notifications

See notifications about to-dos, tasks, deadlines & team comments right in your dashboard.

A picture of a Compliance Dashboard Overview.
Audit Trail & History

Clarity & Peace of Mind

Complok Feature Icon Audit Trail
Secure Audit Trail

Rest easy with a secure Audit Trail. Time Stamp & Lock Risk Assessments, Reports & Documents.

Complok Feature Icon History

See when and who made changes with User Logs and Change History.

Complok Feature Icon Input & Output
Track Input & Output

See a clear record of business requests and compliance recommendations.

A picture of Complok's built-in audit trail.
Doc Manager

You Don’t Need to Reinvent The Wheel Every Time

Complok Feature Icon Risk Appetite Statement
Risk Appetite Statement

Clearly define threats & responses. Make updates accordingly.

Complok Feature Icon Document Templates
Document Templates

Use our industry-standard Document Templates (Policies & Procedures, AML/TF, Sanction Policy, Training Program etc.)

Complok Feature Icon All Docs in One Place
All Documents in One Place

Upload your procedures and internal documents to One Platform for easy access and collaboration. Create your own templates.

A picture of Complok's Risk Appetite Statement feature and a screenshot of all the different compliance document templates.
An illustration of two happy compliance officers facing each other.

Get rid of spreadsheets and supercharge your compliance!

Get the most from your compliance team, reduce costs, and scale faster. All while staying ahead of risks.